womens power pose

Outdoor Skills.
By Women.
For Women.

Colorado’s Premier Women’s-only Outdoor School

Book Your Class

Our Mission

To educate and empower women and other underrepresented demographics in the skills of surviving emergency situations in global wilderness environments.

Meet your instructor

headshot of Jessica Krebs

As seen on

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Our Classes

women posing outdoors

One Day Survival Class

  • Duration: 1 Day (9AM - 5PM)
  • Hours of Instruction: 7.5 Hours
  • Max class size: 8-20
  • Level: Beginner to Advanced
  • Price: $150 Per Person

We offer a variety of classes in our one-day format, from a core class (a great introduction to basic survival principles and how they interrelate) to a variety of classes that focus on a particular skill in more depth, i.e. sheltercraft, firecraft, navigation knots, hitches and lashings, trapping and foraging, and so on. No crawling in the mud or silent suffering; we aren't a military boot camp! Get thi info without the attitude.

Note: most of our one-day classes are accessible for ages 10 and up, and can accomidate a variety of special needs.

Jessie explaining concepts

Weekend Survival Class

  • Duration: 1 Weekend (4PM Fri - 4PM Sun)
  • Hours of Instruction: 22 Hours
  • Class size: 12
  • Level: Beginner
  • Price: $520 Per Person

This course is perfect for folks that have the time and the interest to get more hands-on training. This weekend course is mentally intense with long days packed with information and skills practice in a base-camp model. We do not do much hiking, though we will cover some basic navigation.

Women posing for camera

Survival Sisterhood

  • Duration: 7 Days, 6 Nights
  • Max class size: 16
  • Level: Beginner to Advanced
  • Price: $1750 Per Person

I hope you can join Karie Lee Knoke and I for a unique adventure, "Survival Sisterhood." August 23-29, we're bringing together women passionate about wild places to explore and grow in the gorgeous forests near Sandpoint, Idaho. Karie Lee and I, both veterans of "ALONE," are thrilled to guide you through a week of empowering survival skills and deep nature connection.

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Women posing for camera

Women’s Beginner Backpacking and Survival Course

  • Duration: 7 Days, 6 Nights
  • Max class size: 16
  • Level: Beginner to Advanced
  • Price: $1260 Per Person until August 11th, $1400 per person after

Come learn and hone some outdoor skills! We will spend 7 days and 6 nights camping and light hiking in the beautiful vistas of South West New Mexico! Our days will be spent in a combination of learning and practicing tangible survival skills while also taking time to breath and connect with other like-minded women and this rich landscape.

women posing for backpacking trip

Custom Private Course

  • Duration: Varies
  • Class size: Varies
  • Level: Varies
  • Price: Varies

Looking for something more personalized? These courses are designed for your group and may be geared for kids, families, corporate groups, bachelorette parties, birthdays, expedition or thru-hike preparation.

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Wow. Jessie is amazing. She is so enthusiastic and knowledgeable about so many areas of survival. Great teacher. Day was jam-packed with practical skills, stories, concepts and frameworks that held it all together. If you have a chance, take a class with Jessie!

Andrea G.

The course covered everything I need to feel much more comfortable in the wild! My favorite part was practicing navigation with our compasses, and I most enjoyed learning about pitch wood and using the resources surrounding us.

Katie M.

Jessie is an incredibly talented teacher with a wealth of knowledge and flair for life that make her irresistible to her students. I highly recommend her to any one looking to level up their survival skills and to inject some spark into their lives. This woman is phenomenal!

Ursula S.

I've been to a lot of wilderness skills camps, and can safely say that none has impacted me as much, and in so many different ways, as the Wild Women on the Water course with Jessie Krebs and Callie Russell. I went in somewhat skeptical, but came out the other side a fully changed (and much improved!) person. I feel confident, connected, and inspired. Highly recommend!!

Lesly M.

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